Has Your Zodiac Sign Changed?

Zodiac signs


Zodiac signs

Hannah Butler, Web Designer/Editor

The zodiac is a group of astrological signs that are paired up with each month of the calendar. There are twelve signs, but have they changed? Recently, there has been an uproar with NASA’s recent discussion of a new sign called Ophiuchus.

   Originally, thirteen signs were found by the Babylonians. Due to their calendar though, the thirteenth was taken away to fit the other twelve in with the months. NASA stated that due to a change in the Earth’s axis, all the constellations had moved. This would make the dates for each sign switch around.  

   Even though NASA says that astrology isn’t a science, horoscope junkies and many others began to panic. Aleah Hanson, a sophomore at McPherson High School said, “It’s interesting to read about. It’s pretty fascinating.” Some didn’t even care about the supposed change. Another sophomore Lindy Reynolds said, “I don’t really care [about the change.]”

Other blogs and horoscope websites began talking about this conflict. A horoscope website called Daily Horoscope talked about this. Researching information about Ophiuchus, the writer began debunking the myth. It was stated that it wasn’t an astrological sign, but a constellation. Media originally created the myth, which made assumptions about how astrology was based on constellations, but it isn’t true.