Student Wins Free Trip to Universal Studios!

Zachary Phillips is a sophomore at MHS and just won a free trip to Orlando, Florida and Universal Studios. How did he do this you ask? Zach competed in our Jag C.D.C. competition. Jag (Jobs for Americas Graduates) has the C.D.C. (career development conference) every year. In this competition, you select an event to compete in.  Zach chose Prepared Speaking. In this event, you write a speech and present it to 2-3 judges. He had to first win at the local level and get first in order to move on to preliminaries where he sent a video of his speech. He got first in both of those, and then went on to Regionals where he earned first once again. He then went on to get first at state taking him to nationals in Orlando, Florida. This trip will be fully paid for. He won’t have to spend a penny on food or any travel and hotel expenses. Unless he wants to buy souvenirs, it is completely free. He will present his speech one last time at nationals and get to go to Universal Studios for free. Good job Zach!

-Image from Jag-K Facebook