Marching Band at K-State

According to a Band Nerd

Chloe Jones, J1 Student

Every year, our marching band heads off to the Central States Marching Festival (CSMF) at Bill Snyder Family Stadium in Manhattan. This is usually the most exciting part of the Marching Band season, and we look forward to it each year.

This exciting day started off with a frigid morning runthrough of this years show, The Sound of Simon. We pushed through the cold morning and had an hour long break for lunch. Band members were expected to be back at 1:00PM to load the buses and prepare to leave.

After a long ride to Manhattan, the buses were parked and students took a much needed bathroom break. Before eating dinner, the band enjoyed other school’s performances and the luxury of sitting in comfortable stadium seats. We savored a dinner of sandwiches, cookies, grapes, and water just before changing into uniform. To shake things up this year, we had our picture taken before performing and then headed out to the warm-up field.

The marching band tried to keep things on the bright side when the warm-up field was mostly in the dark. We stayed under the lights and had a mostly musical rehearsal for the second time that day. Eager, excited, and nervous to perform, the band was lead to the side of the field. Many of the band members received band grams which only amplified the excitement dancing through the band, moments before taking the field.

After marching through the first tune, the crowd roared in excitement. During the second song, the band danced along to the beat of the song and played vigilantly. The final song ended with a flashy horn pop to the top of the box before snapping quickly to attention. The band then quickly marched off of the field and back to the buses, overjoyed and animated after a great performance.

The band quickly changed out of their uniforms only to head back into the stadium for a lengthy performance by the K-State Marching Band. This performance included the popular “Uptown funk” by Mark Ronson, and was followed by the reading of the ratings. The McPherson High School Band received a superior rating; a 1. After all of the ratings had been read, we were whisked away to the buses and after a head count, we started back home. Overall, the trip to the Central States Marching Festival this year was exciting and memorable. The band is also looking forward to going to the Alamo Bowl this winter in San Antonio, Texas.


Marching Band Vocabulary


CSMF- Central States Marching Festival

Band Gram A message from a parent or other person to a band member. These are read while the band is marching into the field.

Horn pop– This is when a band member aims the end of their instrument towards a certain area, usually the box.

Top of the box– The very top of the stadium where the announcer and judges usually stand.

Snap to attention– This is when band members bring their instruments to the attention position, which is different for every instrument.

Ratings– The ratings range from 1 to 5, and 1 is the highest you can score.