The Effects of Social Media
Screenshot of social media apps and sites on an I phone.
It’s no secret it has become a trend to blame social media for the negative effects on our growing society. We tend to overlook what social media has contributed to our greater good. Social media has brought many social and business benefits to our everyday lives.
Social media is often looked at as a big contributor to the increase of mental illnesses and cyber bullying. Though that may be the case for some, others view social media as an outlet to express themselves freely. All social media platforms such as Instagram, Snap Chat, Facebook, Twitter and Tik Tok, allows users to show off their sense of style and hidden personalities. Taking pictures of outfits, makeup, art and so much more can be rewarding and even help mental health.
Not only can you show the world what your next project is, but you can also type away your feelings and help others. A lot of social media users including celebrities use social media platforms as a way to express, help, and even change the world. Social media holds many different groups that include every type of person. Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, social media has a place for you.
The birth of social media has changed our world tremendously. It has shaped the minds of generations and created hundreds of new opportunities. You can create a business from scratch from the comfort of your own phone. Not only can you create a business but you can also join the millions of jobs social media has created. Just Facebook alone has created 4.5 million jobs. Without social media would we even have enough work for our growing economy?
Social media has no doubt changed our world. Is it for the worse or for the better? Maybe a little bit of both. Every negative outcome comes with a little more positives. Social media has brought negative outcomes but has given us job opportunities, an easy platform, unique ways to be discovered and so much more. Is social media as bad as we make it out to be?

I love writing about controversial topics and taking pictures. I want to become an author and journalist someday and write poetry and science fiction books. ...