A Look Back at the School Year
A picture designed by Canva
May 21, 2018
Well we’ve almost made it. The 2017-2018 school year is coming to a close. It feels like we’ve been here forever, but at the same time it’s gone by so quickly. Where does all of the time go? While this year quickly draws to a close we are embraced with many more memories, laughs, achievements, and not to mention.. school work. The end of the year is easily a collection of the most stressful week for most, if not all students. But before I get too negative let’s focus on the positives for a minute.
As the students of McPherson High School, we are used to a lot of success when it comes to all the extracurricular activities that we handle and this year was no different. Everything from our legendary basketball teams, to all of our success in band and choir. And coming from an almost 5A school, it is always a huge achievement for us. But with all of our success, there are always regrets of what we could of done better.
People always look back with regret at something in their life, for example, what about if they decided to go out for that sport, or participated in that activity? Then life would of taken a different course for them. They might of made new friends, or discovered something that they truly love to do. For me personally I think that I could of gotten more involved in the school by going to more sporting events and doing more community service. I also feel that I could procrastinated less and studied more for tests and classes. At the same time, I don’t think that I would trade this year for anything. I’ve built up so many of my friendships and I’ve created a lot of new really awesome memories.
So no matter how anyone spent their school year, or whether they wish they could change something, the 2017-2018 school year will be a sure one to remember. With all of the laughs, memories and new friends, how could anyone forget it? So yes, it’s almost over and it will all come to an end very soon (and the stress of finals will come and leave us.) I know a lot of us can’t wait for all of the fun and sun of summer. Just don’t forget to enjoy it while you can. Because soon enough high school will just be a memory to look back and reflect on.