Big Event Back Again
Making Cookies for MHS neighbors
April 27, 2018
On April 25th 2018, MHS had its annual big event. This event is scheduled so all the McPherson High School students can get in their community service hours, and help out the people of McPherson. This took place all over town for five approximately 5 hours. Some students walked, others rode the bus, and some stayed at the High School and worked. Even though the weather was not favorable, students still seemed to enjoy the experience and its benefits.
“Even though it was cold and rainy, I enjoyed being able to help out the community,” said junior, Alaina Diggs. Another reason that students were able to enjoy this year’s Big Event was due to their ability to choose where they went to participate and how they wanted to help give back to the community.
This change came as a result of Mrs. Diepenbrock and her Community Connections class and their work to improve the overall enjoyment of the Big Event, which was well received by students. The McPherson High School students went many places around town for the Big Event.
Some students went to the hospital to help clean the ambulances, and tidy up some of the beds. The water park was another location that some of the students went to, they straightened things up, and improved the overall appearance of the water park. Students also went to the cemetery, picking up trash and sticks that had gotten in the way, or were taken down by the wind. There was even a group that helped fold flags for the American Legion.
“I went to the American Legion and I thought that it was a good experience..,” Shelby Yowell, freshman said.
Save and Share also needed MHS’ help sorting items, and the students were a big help. “I went to Save and Share and had a lot of fun.” Rebekah Brown, sophomore said.
Having fun was a common factor during this years Big Event. Overall the McPherson High School helped our community greatly.
“I really enjoy the Big Event because I think that it is a great way to help the community and I liked this year better because we got to pick where we were going.” said sophomore, Raegan Harger.