Kansas Schools Make CPR Classes A Must

Kansas Schools CPR is a must!


Kansas Schools CPR is a must!

Megan Manning, Editor

Starting 2018-2019 school year high school students will be required to take a CPR class in order to graduate, making Kansas the 38th state to require CPR training in schools. McPherson High School will be adding a CPR class provided in the health science and PE classes, in order for students to graduate they will have to take the class.

The health science teacher, Mrs. Fast, at MHS has introduced students to CPR but has not provided certification. Tyler Scott, senior, said “I took her class freshman year and thought it was a good class, but then I also took an EMS class were I became certified.”  Many jobs require students to be certified or they have to take a class to become certified.

Morgan Jones, junior, said, “I don’t understand why it is a requirement to graduate, I get that it is good to know about it and that it’s fundamental, but why to graduate.”

With Kansas passing this requirement it is the 38th state to have it in Kansas schools and it is believed by many that learning the benefits of CPR is vital for students and adults.

Emily Smith junior, said, “I need to be certified for my job so I think it will be nice to have it be provided at the school.