The driving question: How can we prevent stereotypes from affecting us, if we can’t stop stereotyping?
December 18, 2017
If we have stereotypes in our world there will never be equality. People will still believe that girls aren’t capable like guys are, that guys can’t have emotion, mexicans are drug dealers, and that muslims are all apart of the ISIS group. No one will truly be equal. Stereotypes are the enemy of equality.
We can not solve stereotyping. Even though we may not be able to solve stereotyping we can prevent ourselves from using them and being affected by them. Stereotypes affect the way you view yourself and how others view you. All people are affected by stereotypes whether you are called them or others around you are. People have been dealing with stereotypes since the beginning of time and it’s time we stand up for ourselves and others around us.
Why should we care about this? Even though you may think your not affected by stereotypes, you really are. Even though your not judged with stereotypes, others are. We all use stereotypes all the time without knowing it. How many times were you walking at night with your purse held as tight as possible because a African American man was following you? How many times were you scared to go on a plane because you saw a Muslim go on before you? How many times did you judge someone based on a stereotype? If you haven’t done any of these questions, then odds are you’re lying. Even though you may not be judged off of stereotypes people around you are constantly. So why should you care about these people? Everyone is a person, everyone matters, everyone has made mistakes, everyone has big dreams and everyone has the same skeleton under our skin. We’re just people, perfectly imperfect.
Stereotyping people and believing stereotypes have the same effect on people as bullying. When you stereotype a person you’re making them doubt how they view their self and even causing depression that could lead to suicide. By calling someone weak because they’re a girl or by calling someone a terrorist because of their religion makes them doubt who they thought they were for their whole life. Believing stereotypes are even worse than making them. When someone is stereotyped they feel alone and doubt who they are as a person. By believing that stereotype you’re conforming to them that who they thought they were, the person who they loved, is actually a person that’s not accepted in society.
We may not be able to stop stereotyping but we can change our own actions. Don’t stereotype and don’t believe them. If you do that simple task you can be helping people believe in their self and making them feel like their not alone. It’s time we take action and stand up for what’s right. If you are severely impacted from being stereotyped just know you are not alone and just be you.