Junior Open Lunch Fundraiser
Juniors Kelsey Wilson and Adison Wash watch over the prom ticket table, which has the donation canister for the open-lunch fundraiser.
March 15, 2017
The MHS Junior Class is starting an open-donation fundraiser for the option of open lunch for their class during prom construction week.
“I think this is a great idea!” said junior Georgia Herrold, “As a junior I think they should just suck it up since we’re so close to being seniors. Everyone else had to,” she continued, “But it does make it a creative way of raising money!”
“The fundraiser is important, and a good idea” said junior Bailey Yarborough, “I am going to donate, and I really hope it works out.”
If the class raises 500 dollars, they will be allowed to leave the high school for the week before prom.
“I think the fundraiser is an interesting idea,” said junior Nicholas Mellinger, “I’ll probably contribute some. I think juniors should have the option of open lunch. Most of us are almost adults and want to be treated like it.”
Students can bring their contributions to the lunchroom during 1st and 2nd lunch through March 27th to the 29th. Donations are being collected by the students running the prom ticket stand, where a jar for the fundraiser is set up.
“I think that juniors should have open lunch,” said senior Sean Reynolds, “We seniors wanted it last year, and the only reason seniors don’t want it to happen is that we had to wait,” he continued, “The open lunch fundraiser is rather interesting. If they do manage to pull it off, I think that it will show the school how committed they are. I actually hope that it does work out for them.”
Opinions on open lunch for juniors are varied, as it’s been a debate since it was changed years ago, but most students do have a set idea on what they want concerning their lunch freedoms.
“We should have always had open lunch,” said junior Carson Stone, “I think that anyone should have open lunch as long as they have a full driver’s license.”
As long as the class reaches their donation goal, the juniors will get at least one week of open lunch this year, which most students are excited for.
“I might donate,” said Herrold, “Even though we’re already so close to being seniors and getting open lunch every week anyways!”
The class has quite a bit to collect before they reach their goal, but hopes are high as the fundraiser and prom week approaches.