MHS Theater Takes on Arsenic and Old Lace

November 30, 2016
McPherson High School’s theater class had taken their adaption of Arsenic and Old Lace to a whole new level. Playing from November 17 to the 19, the theater students have worked hard to bring their production to life. Their stunning display, utilizing a living black-and-white set, follows the story of the Brewster family, specifically Mortimer Brewster who decided to marry his sweetheart Elaine Harper. Excited about the new engagement, he takes her to the old family home to meet some Brewster members that even Mortimer has never met. In a strange turn of events, the Brewster family turns out to be homicidally insane. Though dealing with matters of death and homicide, Arsenic and Old Lace happens to be quite the comedy.
With an outstanding cast featuring Senior Kiley Delaney as Aunt Abby Brewster, and Sophomore Drake Langshaw as Mortimer Brewster, the production was absolutely stupendous. The crowd was enthralled the entire time, laughter resounding throughout the hall at regular intervals. The theater class brought the play to life all while decked out in only black and white. This was the first time the theater has attempted to erase all color from both the set and the actors.
Many actors claimed that the hardest part was putting the show together in such a short time. With a lengthy script and just shy of a semester for the actors to memorize all two and a half hours worth of it, it came down to last minute cramming. Changes were still being made the day before opening night, many of them begrudgingly recalled. Director Greg McGlynn had a different view. The hardest part, he claimed, was converting everything to black and white. With airbrushes and black lipstick, the actors donned a thick layer of makeup in an attempt to pay homage to the original 1944 Frank Capra movie.
No matter the struggles, the final result was worth the effort. As the class moves forward to their next production, Arsenic and Old Lace will be remember fondly as a unique high school play.