McPherson Competes at Music Festival
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MHS Wind Ensemble preforming onstage at State Music Festival for Large Ensembles
April 15, 2016
Last Wednesday, April 13th, Mcpherson High School’s band, orchestra, and choir had the opportunity to compete in the State Music Festival for Large Ensembles. MHS brought many groups including Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Select Women’s Choir, Women’s Choir, and Men’s Choir. The students performed in front of judges at Smoky Valley High School in Lindsborg, Kansas. Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, Select Women’s Choir, and Women’s Choir all received a score of one. Concert Band and Men’s Choir received a score of two.
“I feel like we played well! We’ve definitely had rehearsals that were better than we preformed; but I do feel like we got the score we deserved,” concert band student Lauren Birzer said.
The groups chose from pre-selected music to perform. Orchestra performed pieces from composer Norman Leyden, while Concert Band and Wind Ensemble choose pieces such as “Hymnsong of Philip Bliss” composed by David R. Holsinger and choir chose “Cantate Hodie,” a piece written by Ralph Vaughan Williams.
Groups were scored on how well they presented themselves and how well they performed their pieces. Dynamics, notes, rhythms, articulation, phrasing, and tempo all went into their final score. All groups competing in the Music Festival received a score on a scale from one to five. A one rating signified an outstanding performance, a five would indicate one that was ineffective.
“I wasn’t positive we would get a one before I knew we did, but I thought we had a good chance,” freshman Kari Ellet said.
All students learned their score within 30 minutes of performing and were able to return back to McPherson before 4pm.
“I think our performance went pretty well. I think it’s fun to compete for singing. Getting a one is the goal, so it makes me really happy to reach our goal,” Ellet said.
Festivals results as following:
Score of 1- Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, Select Women’s Choir, Women’s Choir
Score of 2- Concert Band, Men’s Choir