Homecoming Thoughts

Megan Manning, Editor

    School dances attendance depend on everyone’s opinion of the event. Some students think it is pointless and would rather be doing something better, while others look forward to it every year. Another reason that attendance varies is how old you are. A freshman or sophomore can’t go to some of the dances unless invited by an upperclassman. However, Homecoming is open to every grade.  

    Ever since middle school depending on whether or not you went to the dance told people who you were and who you were friends with. Now the decision in highschool seems to make it even more obvious. Now with the Winter Formal/Homecoming around the corner these thoughts are crossing majority of high schoolers minds.

    Emily Smith said “No , I don’t plan on going, I would rather hang out with my friends.” While going to Homecoming can be a place to hangout, a lot of kids just don’t want to deal with the stress of dressing up and so forth. Which is why overall not very many students are going to Homecoming as know as Winter Formal.