15 Totally Interesting and Random Facts

WTF Fact #4476

WTF Fact #4476

Maegan Vincent

  1. Your pupil can expand as much as 45% when you look at someone/something you love.
  2. Cats rub their faces against objects to claim them as their territory. When a cat’s head rubs you, you are considered their family.
  3. When someone tickles you, the laughter is a pain response. That’s why you can’t tickle yourself, as your body never senses any real danger.
  4. Hearing someone call your name when no one actually did is a sign of a healthy mind.
  5. According to Greek Mythology, the first humans were created with 4 arms, legs, and eyes; and two noses and mouths. Afraid of their powers, Zeus split them in half, leaving them to find the other halves of themselves. These people were called Soulmates.
  6. Heath Ledger locked himself in a hotel room for a month to prepare for his iconic role as the Joker in The Dark Knight.
  7. The stereotypical heart shape was meant to be two hearts fused together.
  8. The entire Pixar staff had to take a graduate class in Fish Biology before making Finding Nemo.
  9. Money isn’t made out of paper, it’s made out of cotton.
  10. You know that falling feeling you get while you’re asleep and you suddenly jerk awake? It’s because you’re heart rate slowed down too fast and you brain thought you were dying so it tried to wake you up. Thank your brain.
  11. Emotional tears contain leucine enkephalin, which is a natural pain killer.
  12. Ten thousand years ago, everyone’s eyes were brown a genetic mutation made one individual’s eyes blue. That mean that if your eyes are blue, you share a common ancestor with every blue-eyed person in the world.
  13. Research shows that the right ear is better at picking up words and speech, while you’re left ear is better at picking up music and other sounds.
  14. Horror movie soundtracks sometimes include infrasound, which is sound below the range of human hearing. Even though we can’t hear it we can still feel it and infrasound has been shown to induce anxiety, heart palpitations, and shivering.
  15. Deja Vu occurs when your brain tries to apply a memory of a past situation to your current one, fails, and makes you feel like it’s happened.