Sleep deprivation- you’re not alone?


Sylviane Duval


Hannah Butler, Brianna Bradley, and Taylor Boesker

For some, the transition from middle school to high school is a significant change. A new school means new schedules, routines, and habits. A habit that isn’t so positive is the lack of sleep. High school students are affected from the overload of academics and extracurricular activities and this leads to their inadequate amount of sleep. Everyone gets off their sleep schedule at least once, but for high school students especially, they’re experiencing sleep deprivation.

According to The National Sleep Foundation, a study shows that over 87% of high school students in the United States are getting much less sleep each night than the required eight to ten hours. 

Three out of four students say they are often or always stressed by schoolwork.

 Four McPherson High School students shared how many hours of sleep they received each night. Sleep time ranged from six hours to eight hours on average. Senior Thomas Smith and junior Maisie Edmondson agree that the majority of the the time, homework affects their sleep schedules.

However, for freshman Lily Parker, “Sometimes [homework affects how much sleep I get], but not always. I would probably say 20% of the time my sleep is affected.” Homework doesn’t affect sophomore Aleah Hanson’s sleep, “I usually finish all my homework in my fifth hour. That’s my study hall hour.”

When the students were questioned about how they feel when they don’t get enough sleep, they all said they were affected in some way. For Maisie Edmondson, “I am extremely tired the next day and can’t focus very well.”

The upperclassmen sleep less mostly due to homework. For underclassman, they seem not as affected by the amount of homework they receive as much as upperclassman are. All students agreed they were affected by lack of sleep one way or another.

Mrs. Doile offers an opinion as a teacher and volleyball coach at McPherson High School “Yes, if I see it, it is during two-a-days, 6 a.m. practice or on Saturday mornings. [Students are] Definitely moody and frazzled. Always running late.” 

Students sleep an average of 6.75 hours per night, versus the recommended 9 to 9.5 hours.

“The sleep deprived players vary in their behavior.  Some of them are more quiet, some of them are more irritable and moody.  Either way they aren’t bringing their best self or attitude to the team to have a productive practice.”

She procedes, “Be accountable and disciplined with how you manage your time with your personal and team goals in mind. Parents, teammates and coaches can help manage those distractions.”