New Magical Schools

Denise Farley, Journalism 1 student

J.K. Rowling has at long last revealed the names and descriptions of four new wizarding schools around the world. Potterheads and many other fans have waited for more details on the new take on the wizarding world described in Harry Potter. Mahoutokoro, Uagadou, Castelobruxo, and lastly Ilvermony. These schools will be in the upcoming movie, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

Mahoutokoro (Mah-hoot-o-koh-ro) is located in Japan on the top of the volcanic island of Minami Iwo Jima, the town is made of jade. Students are accepted at the age of seven. At this time they are considered day students and are carried between school and home on the backs of giant storm petrels, which are sea birds. They start living in the school at age eleven, at which time they receive enchanted robes that grow as the students do and change color based on their learning progress, much like at Hogwarts where they advance to the next grade.

Uagadou (Wag-a-doo) is the largest wizarding school in the world.The School is located in Africa at an unspecified location called “Mountains of the Moon,” the structure is described as carved out of the side of a mountain and covered in mist. Students are best at astronomy, alchemy, self-transfiguration, and casting spells by pointing their fingers and making various hand gestures.

Castelobruzo (Cass-tell-o-bro-shoo) is a golden temple-like school located in the Brazilian rainforest and looks as if they are ruins. Small, mischievous spirits known as Caiporo protect the grounds and the students, who wear green robes and are skilled in herbology in which they learn how to tend to magical plants and magizoology where they learn about magical creatures.

Ilvermorny (ill-ver-morn-ee) does not have a detailed account. The school isn’t available at this time, but based on the map revealed on Pottermore it’s the American school which is located on the East Coast.

With the upcoming movie, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them, Potterheads and many other fans are eager to soak up the newly revealed schools, of which J.K. Rowling graciously presented to us.