Being vegetarian has many benefits and is becoming increasingly popular in the U.S. According to a study done by Gallup News 5% of the U.S. population is vegetarian, including me. People choose to become vegetarian for various reasons, some being for health benefits, moral reasons, or environmental benefits.
I chose to become vegetarian because of a combination of multiple reasons. I wanted to try to eat healthier, and I also was just getting grossed out by the concept of eating something alive.
A vegetarian diet can bring many health benefits. From reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, improving heart health, and reducing obesity. Another alternative to this diet is being pescetarian, where no land animals are eaten but seafood is. Some people categorize this diet as vegetarian. Since it has very similar effects on the environment and your health as being vegetarian. However, this diet is most common, and achievable when living in areas near the coast with access to fresh fish.
Another diet that excludes animal meat is vegan. This diet is more extreme by also eliminating all foods that are animal products. Overall I think that vegetarian diets are the easiest to live by, while still having many benefits.
According to statistics from the National Institute of Health, the meat processing and production system is responsible for roughly 25% of greenhouse gas emissions in the World. It also is the cause of 80% of deforestation. Thus being vegetarian is considered a more ¨sustainable diet¨. Eliminating meat from your diet would reduce your carbon footprint, and allow you to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Over a long period of life if you continued to be a vegetarian this would have a large effect on your environmental impact. As the concern of the health and wellbeing of our Planet, and global warming it is important to try and find ways to help our environment. One way that you could do this is by reducing your consumption of meat.
Vegetarianism is practiced in some cultures as part of their religions. For example, Buddhists refrain from eating meat because they find it inhumane, and live by the belief that it is not right to take the life of any other living creature.
People who are animal lovers are just have extreme empathy for animals might choose to become vegetarian to align themselves with treating animals morally.
Some people also disapprove of large feed lots and slaughterhouses where meat comes from. Animal mistreat meat can often occur, as producers are trying to get as much meat off of an animal as quickly as possible.
Overall going vegetarian could help improve your environmental impact on the earth, your health, and your moral treatment of animals.