Techie Life

           Techie life is all over the place. You help with whatever, whenever. One minute you’ll be painting, and the next you’ll be using power tools. The Addams Family musical is coming up this week.  The first viewing is on September 29th. After weeks of work on the set, we scramble to get everything finished in these last 3 days. Even on show night people will still be painting and fixing/adding things. Show night always needs as many techies as they can get. They need stagehands, costume designers, makeup, lights, sound, and anyone who can help. Greg Mcglynn is the theater director at the high school.  He has been teaching here for 11 years. Mcglynn has a long history of theater experience.  He has lots of experience and an eye for making wonderful sets. Tech is not only building and helping out but it can also be competitive. The State Thespian competition is January 5th-7th, and techies can compete in a variety of things like the light handling, cord wrapping, quick change, prop shift, leg a platform, thread a sewing machine, knot tying, and fold a drop. Last year our show Arsenic and Old Lace got invited to virtual internationals! People all around the world saw the show and the wonderful set. “It’s extremely stressful and involves people not listening to you.” -Mason Ward stage manager. Tech involves lots of doing things all the time. You don’t get breaks and it can be very stressful but it can also be very fun and you make many friends. “People off stage often work harder and get less recognition.” Gracie Nelson stage manager. Even though everyone involved in the theater puts in immense effort, techies definitely don’t get as much credit as they should for all the things they do. 



-image: The Mcpherson sentinel, Diary of Anne Frank set