How do You Feel about this School Year?
This year hasn’t started well, for there have been tragedies and uproars this year including a new virus. We have lost sense of normality because Kobe Bryant was killed, glimpse of black life matter protest, reports of cops/military being murdered, and Covid-19 killings. Not only that, around the world states been having weather issues like tornadoes, hurricanes, and even wild fires.
In addition to Covid-19 it has changed as we call “normal” to being caved inside our houses and being more afraid of people. Covid-19 has changed how we shop, work, play sports, and “normal” school conditions. For school states have either tried doing full days, online, or hybrid hours. While the people who go to school, they have to wear masks, temperature check before coming in, sanitize in and out of rooms and entering and exiting building, while also keeping distance from other students and teachers in the building.
On the other hand we still get to at least see people in person, socialize, and get to move around instead of laying in bed being lazy. There has been pros and cons to this new conditions we students and staff had to adopt to because of this outbreak. So for that reason I have ask students how they feel about this school year, even the seniors for they might not even get prom, play full season in sports, or even maybe get to have graduation.