Mac-Town CrossFit
Melissa, Delilah and Robbie Mintzer exercise at Mac-Town CrossFit
January 29, 2019
What do you think about getting fit, having fun, and making friends all at the same time? Then join Mac-Town CrossFit, at 715 W. Woodside St. McPherson, KS. CrossFit is a family friendly environment and can help you feel better about yourself and your health. The owners are Chad and Sarah Muehler. They have been in business for just over 6 years. Before they changed the name to Mac-town CrossFit it was called CrossFit Pathos. Chad and Sarah decided to changed the name because they wanted to have a name that reflected the town. In 2018 Mac-Town had an opportunity to move to the new building and now they will be able to make lots if new changes.
Sarah said “I coach CrossFit all because of Chad! He found it first and we started doing the workouts with some friends in the basement of the Y. After about a year, he was able to start an affiliate at the Y. Then about a year after that he got a job at Williams Energy and we decided to open our own CrossFit gym. Up until then I had coached some other sports but this was my first time coaching CrossFit. I didn’t know much at the time but I have studied a ton and Chad has been an incredible teacher to me. Chad has his Masters in Exercise Science and is all kinds of crazy smart about fitness.”
Sarah also said “My favorite part about coaching at Mac-Town is getting to help people learn how to move well and take better care of themselves. It’s really rewarding to help someone learn a new skill and change their habits!” “Coaching CrossFit was not something either of us dreamed about specifically but it has all the aspects of a dream job! It’s something we love, it’s something we’re building and we get to work with really amazing people.”
They have CrossFit classes at different times throughout each day and also have a class called Mac-Fit that is at 5:30pm Monday-Thursday. The most recently added class is a Legends class Tues and Thurs at 9:30 for the 60+ demographic! There plans are to start a kids/teens class hopefully by this summer!
“We have one workout per day and all the CrossFit classes do the same workout throughout the day. The Legends and Mac-Fit class have their own workouts that are generally similar but with some variations.”
The next competition hosted by Mac-Town will be around October or November. That’s usually when they do there annual Mac-Town Throwdown. They will have some other events before then but no competitions planned until that one.
So come join CrossFit and go check out there social media down below.
Mac-Town CrossFit -Facebook
Mac_townCF- Twitter
715 W. Woodside St.
McPherson, KS 67460
(620) 755-1905