Christmas Traditions

Christmas Traditions

Chanz Rosales, Staff Writer

Have you ever wondered how the traditions we practice today for Christmas came to be? Well I have and I’m going to tell you how these traditions were made and reserved for all these years. People have really wondered about why we use a Christmas tree. Or why we all eat together during this special holiday. Or why people go caroling on Christmas day and Christmas eve.

Germany is the country that had started putting up Christmas trees and decorating their homes. Most people put them up and used the branches of it to decorate their homes during the winter solstice, as it made them think of the next upcoming season of harvest season. The most well known reason of people putting up and decorating trees was to symbolize eternal life.

Christmas is a really special day, of eating and spending time with your family. Well this reason is kinda self explanatory eating together is something you do when it’s a special day, and Christmas is a special day. Eating together on Christmas has been a life long tradition of lots of families in the world. When you eat together you put away the phones and catch up with your loved ones and just have a conversation with your friends and family. The majority of families have some type of tradition of eating a meal together it’s a special time.

Christmas caroling has been a tradition since about the 15th century and started in Poland. Interesting fact carols used to be written and sung during all four seasons, but only the tradition of singing them at Christmas has really survived. A rough description of caroling is people going house to house and and singing Christmas songs to people. But caroling is actually a tradition that people don’t talk about and is actually kinda fun and productive,

These are some of Christmas traditions that we practice today. And a further explanation of them and some facts about them. Hope you learned something interesting.