Finding Your College
Students at the college fair.
November 5, 2018
McPherson High School had a college fair on Wednesday, October 17th. The fair is a great opportunity for all students to be able to talk to representatives from different colleges. Lots of information can be given to the students and it gives them a chance to ask questions if they have any. Some think the college fair is unnecessary, but others would think that the day is useful.
Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors all went down to the Roundhouse where the fair was taking place. It was packed full of students roaming around or talking with the many representatives. Every college in the state of Kansas had a table set up there. The army also had tables set up there.
Is the college fair really important? There’s something there for every student, but do the students themselves think that it’s worth their time? “Seniors are already researching their colleges on their own. They know what they want and don’t need to look around anymore,” said Lindy Reynolds, a senior. There’s also Sydney Myers, a junior, who said, “I think it is useful because many different colleges come and they give great advice on what college life is like and the many career options each one has to offer.”