Vacuous and Valiant

Picture of a scattered mind fading along with the purpose of the article. Made by Desire Epps
October 1, 2018
A response is only as good as the conversation it follows.
People speak on anything without a true backstory. They ask for information but never think to filter out the words that are clearly lies. They feed and hype faulty possibilities. Finding the lies more fascinating than the truth, they don’t care if the price to pay is extreme.
People today are filled with Juvenescence, saying they want to grow but are only feeding into false perception. They wrap around their finger the joy in rumours, only to come up short when the truth is released.
People like to find any source of excitement, even if it means the downfall of another. It never matters that they are selfish because greed fills the entire nation mindset.
Almost everyone wants the fame and fortune but when it comes to get it they cheat their way to the other side. People are no longer self sufficient, hard working,and strong minded.
They want the hype and glory in a sense of superiority. Every single snap they take is just another to prove their popularity loyalty. Records hold captions of lies because when the truth is said, foolishness is hard to accept.
But the people today in a massive generation, realize there is no time like today but know to set up for the future. This vacuous way doesn’t affect them all. You see people today are great at hiding in plain sight.
They are great at concealing how great they truly are because harsh laughs fill a nation. They need more self assurance, more powerful presented self worth, and more will to speak the knowledge they hold with certainty.
This generation is blessed with greatness but cursed with fear. Rejection is the best gateway to better things, yet that is sometimes hard to see. Every time they fall fear keeps them down until realization of who they really are makes them to get back up.
Vacuous means mindless which many of this generation perceives to be when they’re projecting themselves publicly. Shying away yourself to seem as relatable as possible when in reality you past the ordinary.
They need to be openly strong minded but truly open minded. They need to listen more and speak a little less. They need more will to stand up for all that they believe in.
They need to be open about being male feminist or straight gay supporters. More focus on the well being of their own lives and not the crumbling of another made because of the hate they spread.
People need more guidance in this strange generation of facts and beliefs. There needs to be more say in what they can do and less of what they can’t do. Along with more say in who they can be and less of who they can’t be. Less Force of religion, sexual preference, beliefs, dreams, career choice and more free faith and goals.
Within this flawed generation lies people fighting to keep themselves hidden and fighting to show who they are but are constantly clouded over.
Vacuous doesn’t define these people but the people stopping them. Valiant is the people, the teens fighting to get to the next step in this generation.
Your impression is only as great as you allow it to be. Your life is only as good as you set it out to be.
You are your true self only when you allow yourself to be.
Relevance and Organizations