School Lunches Change For The Good!?
The salad bar at MHS.
April 5, 2018
The U.S. Department Of Agriculture is laying off school lunch regulations. This new rule will take place in the school year of 2018-2019 and will affect all schools nationwide, including Mcpherson. Sonny Perdue, A Agriculture Secretary revealed a brand new interim rule. The rule is going to suspend sodium reduction and states will be allowed to grant exemptions to schools experiencing hardship in obtaining whole grain-rich products. Also, schools will be allowed to serve 1% milk instead of 0%. Perdue said the reason he’s enforcing the rule now is because he’s “received several complaints from students about the fat free chocolate milk.” Perdue’s new rule is to ensure “regulatory flexibility” for the national school lunch program. Their goal is to have healthy, but delicious, school lunches.
Starting the next school year, we can finally get rid of the dried whole grain rolls, and bring on the whole wheat rolls. Thanks to this new rule, we can enjoy all of the salty, sugary, and tasty foods we all love. A lot of students at MHS are loving the idea of great, healthy, but delicious food like Cheyenne Grant, a freshman at MHS, she said, “I think it would definitely make more money because more kids will eat if the food tastes better.” Trinity Webster, Freshman, said, “I think this a great idea!” Riya Shah, Freshman, agrees with the new rule,“It’s a step into the right direction.”
So, next school year, forget your packed lunches and enjoy the new and improved menu.