Is the New 3DS a Good Buy?
April 19, 2016

Is The New 3DS Worth It Or Not?
article by Rece Reiman
The New Nintendo 3DS, or sometimes called the NN3DS, came out on October 11th, 2014 (according to TheJapanTimes). It is another release of the 3DS and it introduces new buttons and features, that the old 3DS doesn’t have. It has been released as a follow up to the successful 3DS. The last decade or so Nintendo has been ramping up in their consoles. Since the early 2000’s and so on there has been an increase in gaming console sales, mostly from xbox and ps2, to compete with these new consoles Nintendo released the Wii, and the DS. The DS is nintendo’s most selling gaming unit of all time (according to ThePeninsulaPress).
The 3DS uses three dimensional technology to make the game seem to pop out of the screen and seem real. The New Nintendo 3DS is a re-release of the 3DS now with a second analog stick that has better functionality than buttons (according to, and better three dimensional graphics. The new release was met with pleasant reviews one review from IGN praised it’s new technology stating “the constant swaying and occasional jolt of my morning train commute has only very occasionally shattered the new systems’ stereoscopic spell, and even then, the system quickly adjusts and snaps back into focus” (according to The point of this article is to show whether it is worth it or not to buy the new 3DS or to stick with the older one.
In my opinion I prefer the new 3DS it has better graphics than the older version, and it has better three dimensional graphics than it’s forerunner and it just feels better to play on the newer version than the older one. It has rounder edges than some of it’s predecessors. It has smoother graphics and better controls. I personally think if you’re going to get a 3DS then you should get the newer version it just a better option in general, and what gets better is that the 3DS is mobile and can be hooked up to the Wii U and used as another controller. The DS has the ability to play with other players near you without having to hook up to wifi (according to, which is a nice thing in the days of wifi only consoles. The 3DS is a great gift for kids but I recommend that if you are to get a DS for a young kid that you get them some educational games and as the get older then get them some other games suitable for their age. The 3DS is a great gift for everyone with many fans of all ages, so the 3DS is the way to go when buying a video game system.