Social Media Opinion
How does social media impact life? Social media is fun and gives you something to do while you’re bored or have free time and helps build friendships or share things and come across subjects and things you enjoy. But social media is also an increased risk for anxiety, distraction in school, bullying, and constantly comparing yourself to others. Social media also can lead to fake news, being hacked , getting encouraged into the wrong things, fear of missing out , and the struggle to realize online vs. reality. Social media also interferes with education by students worrying about social media notifications, being on social media during class which increases the lack of attention a student is putting into class. Social media is not just only distracting but is also concerning because not everyone is who they say they are or look like the way they claim they do. People also often make fake accounts of people, make online threats, and on some social media platforms people can text you even if you don’t have them added or followed. Snapchat and Instagram are ranked as the top two worst social media platforms in the terms of mental health and peoples well being. In my opinion social media isn’t all bad though, it keeps you caught up with what’s going on around the world , school activities , and people can advertise or start a business through social media. People make many new friendships and relationships from social media but it’s still always good to stay safe and make sure it doesn’t interfere with school.