9/11 Casualty
On September 11th 2001 four planes were hijacked by an Islamic extremist group and crashed into the Twin Towers in New York. Two of the planes crashed into the Twin Towers killing 2,753, the third plane hit the Pentagon in Pennsylvania killing 184 people and the fourth plane hit a field in Pennsylvania killing 44 people overall killing 2,996 people. At 8:45 a.m on Tuesday September 11th 2001 the first plane crashed into the twin towers near the 80th floor, the crash had instantly killed hundreds of people and trapped hundreds more above. 18 minutes later the second plane hit the World Trade Center and hitting the South tower near the 60th floor. The air quickly filled up with debris and smoke filling streets, neighborhoods and surrounding buildings making it clear America was under attack. About 15 minutes after the south tower was struck it ended up collapsing into a pile of debris and dust. Almost an hour and 15 minutes later the north building collapsed. Only 6 people all together at the time had survived that crash and almost 10,00 others were being treated. The hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and made money from the Qaeda terrorist organization of a fugitive named Osama Bin Laden. After the two planes hit the Twin Towers people watched in awe and at 9:45 am they struck again in Pennsylvania at the Pentagon military headquarters causing a portion of the building to collapse killing 125 military personnel and civilians also killing the 64 people aboard the plane. While all of this chaos was happening inĀ Shanksville, Pennsylvania the final plane was hijacked on its way out of California, multiple flight crew and civilians planned a insurrection. Most people were calling family while others were filling pitchers with boiling water. The hijackers hijacked the cockpit so minutes later at 10:15 a.m the plane flipped and and sped towards the ground at over 500 miles per hour crashing into a field. All 44 people aboard were killed and the target to where the plane was supposed to crash is not known. The last word’s of some of the victims were “Hello…there’s three of us, two broken windows… oh god__oh!” Kevin Cosgrove and “I hope to see your face again baby, bye.” Ceecee Lyles. https://www.history.com/topics/21st-century/9-11-attacks