5th Quarters of McPherson Forms a Community

See You at the Pole Event

See You at the Pole
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) was started 60 years ago by Don McClanen. It was created for coaches, athletes and even fans to create a connection among each other and grow in their faith. Along that journey 5th Quarters were started.
5th Quarters are events after home football games hosted among churches. Usually they last from 9:30pm-11:30pm. This overall event has become nationwide in many towns.
According to Kelly Morrow, McPherson’s 5th Quarters have been organized among the churches (Countryside Covenant, First United Methodist and Church of the Brethren) along with Aaron Glendening (FCA regional director). There was an attempt at a 5th Quarter last school year but was unsuccessful due to weather and was never rescheduled. This year there were five events planned. Four occurred while one was canceled. Overall it has been a success this year. Kelly Morrow said “5th Quarters provided a safe place for students to hangout and have fun where all are welcome. That is always a win.”