McPherson School District 418 Bond Election. Four elementary schools ( Lincoln Elementary, Washington Elementary, Roosevelt Elementary and Eisenhower Elementary) , an alternative high school and high school, and a middle school, all totals up to $88.5 million. This is focusing on upgrading the McPherson high school with renovations to the performing art wings, a new academic building for grades 9-12, and CTE classrooms. All four elementary schools and middle school will be upgraded for student safety and mechanical system upgrades, safe and secure entrances, completing some interior renovations and security. If the school bond passes construction will be up to 2-3 years. All four elementary schools and middle school will start sooner due to security, mechanical system upgrades, and safety. Security and safety will be improved by having secure entrances where all visitors must enter at the main entrance and be required to check in at the office, all entrances will also automatically be secured by electronic access control. A school bond issue is a state-approved funding for a set of projects. When people vote and if it’s approved the school district sells bonds in the authorized amount and uses the proceeds of the sale to pay for those projects in the bond. The bond funds can and will be used for constructing, equipping, maintaining and furnishing district facilities only. Bond funds legally cannot be used for anything else other than brick and mortar projects. These school bonds also benefit our community by investing in public school buildings. The McPherson School Bond voting will be held Nov 7, 2023. Early voting will begin Oct 18, 2023 at the McPherson County Courthouse, your last day to register a vote to participate is Oct 17, 2023. This election is open to all registered voters in the USD 418 district, you must provide a government issued photo ID at each election to obtain a ballot. For any more information contact [email protected].
McPherson Schools Bond
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About the Contributor

Lindsey Martinez, Journalist
Lindsey is a sophomore at McPherson High school. This is her first year doing journalism and she enjoys is. Lindsey also enjoys listening to music and the fall weather.